Sunday 29 November 2015

Unleashing The Workaholic

When it occurred to me to write up this piece, i initially intended to title it "Diary Of A Workaholic" but then i realized that i have only been a workaholic for close to 6 days now!!! Don't get me wrong, i am somewhat lazy, but it hardly deters me from putting in a fair amount of work in a single day. Basically, i mean on an average day, i usually put in an average amount of work. Truth be told though, i cannot stand being mediocre. I honestly detest being mediocre and i constantly feel like i am destined to achieve a certain level of greatness which cannot be reached through average work and average working hours.

This past week, i have literally woken up every single day with my laptop carelessly tucked under my pillow and before even turning over to lie on my back, my first awakening act is to pull it from underneath the pillow and flip it open. I imagine the first awakening act for the average man is to go drain the urinal storage tank in the shank!

Average waking up time has been 0500hrs, after which i lie propped up in bed for a couple of hours, head bowed toward the laptop with occasional glances at the TV screen. Around 10am is when the real work starts. Going through numerous lines of code trying to manipulate a web based platform to look exactly like my client wants while all the while the client is seated next to me constantly changing his mind about stuff that i have just finished working on and perfected to his specifications. This was the order of the day, every single day with breaks only for meals until around 11pm when we decide to retire.

Growing up i constantly heard my father bemoaning how this generation has it easy......, he would relate to us stories of how they would walk bare foot more than 14km every morning just to get to school while they carried maize corn for lunch!! He even revealed that straight after school, they would hurry home to complete chores which included tilling their family fields.

To my credit however, i'm not a stranger to hard work, though my form of hard work cannot rival what they went through. When we initially acquired a farm, i also used to take part in the ploughing, planting, fertilizer application and harvest. In fact, my endurance levels were so splendidly high that even after all the adults were exhausted, i still had enough energy to continue. I honestly believe what fostered laziness in me was the lack of work. I simply had nothing to do especially during the subsequent years after i turned 20. I do have moments through the years that followed, where i would indulge in a bout of hard work.

It comes to me as a pleasant surprise now to discover that i am not a stranger to hard work and that putting in 18hours of work on this website not only motivated me, but it gave me a great deal of satisfaction and accomplishment that can only come when one receives their paycheck (for those in employment). I cannot even begin to describe just how perfect this week has been for me, despite the fact that iv been laboring so hard i haven't even had the chance to tour the resort town of Victoria Falls! Words simply fail me.

I wish i could conjure up the perfect words and phrases to best describe the elation i feel as i work odd hours of the day. Maybe, just maybe, i could inspire some loafer to put in a bit of effort and see just how much their life would change. I truly cannot emphasize the value of hardwork,

Even as i type this, i'm tackling a plugin configuration problem and despite the headache it is giving me, i value the amount of work i am putting into it. The silver lining though is that today's work was much less than that of the previous days and i was able to accept a six pack of perfectly brewed beer to enjoy as i work.

What more could a man ask for?

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